PYC Dock System

Solving the Mystery of the PYC Dock Anchor System

For years, many members, new and old, of the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club have wondered just how the heck our docks are secured to the river bottom. Clearly, it must be a mysterious and complicated process that involves high priests and scholars who invoke ancient sea shanties while hauling anchor chains off the bottom of the darkened river and then curse the gods for the entanglements of links they encounter. Years of blood, sweat, and tears have been shed while bewildered members ponder, just where do all those damn chains go? Ponder no more.... Through the wonders of modern technology, the curtain is now lifted. The PYC is pleased to introduce an animated video that takes you underwater and, we hope, will give our members a better vision and understanding of our dock anchor system.

A video animation showing the bird's eye & fish's eye view of the PYC dock anchoring system (north ) !
Please note that the video is informational only and is not meant to be a 100% accurate portrayal.