PYC Racing Cabin Yachts Of 1915
PYC Racing Cabin Yachts Of 1915
PYC Racing Cabin Yachts Of 1915
Boats Vondy, Clara, Aloha and Alfred T owned by influential PYC officers are described in great detail in this article highlighting a race from Brightwaters NY to the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club. Source: ‘The Rudder’ Magazine, Vol. 31, July 30, 1915. It is rare treat to find an article featuring several of the classic ships and members of the PYC. It is interesting to see what “descriptions” these vessels had and who owned them. The club has truly had some amazing ships in her fleet, and a very active power racing schedule. This article was originally printed in “Rudder Magazine” July 30th, 1915. The boats in the picture above are anchored in the guest harbor of Brightwaters New York. Brightwaters is a village in the southwest part of the Town of Islip in Suffolk County, New York , population currently 3200 and under 250 in 1915. Herman Von der Linden served as commodore in 1900 and owned the very popular and beautiful 40 ft yacht named “Vondy”. This ship raced quite often, for example Von de Linden won 2nd place in the Annual Regatta of the Hudson River Yacht Association in 1915. Looking at various articles, it was evident that he took racing seriously and was a member of the club many years. Commodore Frank pictured on the next page, was an ex-mayor of Poughkeepsie and served many years as commodore and owned a majestic 60 ft custom cruiser name “Clara”. Many years invested in the club, he had a tremendous influence on the momentum of the Club at the time. Al Traver was commodore 1915-1916 and 1920-1922 and was known as a very experienced river man. Owned a few ships it seems notably Minnie I and Alfred T. From the article: Vondy, owner, Mr. and Mrs. Von der Linden, of Poughkeepsie. She is a useful little cruiser of the raised deck type, with a trunk cabin aft the deck, this being so arranged that there is clear walking space all round, thus cramping is avoided on such long trips as the race in question. Her length is 40 feet 8 inches by 10 feet breadth and 4 fee draught. Her engine also is of interest because it, too, was built by the owner, not for business purposed, but just for the Vondy. With four-cycle type engines one rarely comes across a three cylinder plant, but this is the case with the motor of this boat, and the results may be judged by the manner in which Vondy plugged ahead throughout the race. The three cylinders each have a bore of 6 inches by 7 1/2 inches and 22-hp is developed at 370RPM giving a speed of 10mph. Crew: Wm Seaman, T.R. killbourne and H. Von der Linen. Tip: On the wall of the PYC, you will see a scaled replica of “Vondy”.
Rudder magazine was first published in 1891 and soon became one of the most important yachting and boating magazines available.
Clara, owner, Mr. Wm H. Frank, Sr., ex-Mayor of Poughkeepsie. This was the largest boat of the competitors that finished being 60 feet long by 12 feet breadth and 4 1/2 feet draught, and is a very handsome craft, particularly as it accentuates the sheer line. Aloha is 35 feet in length, with 8 feet breath and 2 1/2 feet draught. Her engine is a four-cylinder Niagara of 18 HP at 360rpm. Crew: Geo. C. Saltford, Harry Arnold, Russel B Baker. Alfred T, owner, Mr Alfred Traver, of Poughkeepsie, a husky raised deck cruiser, having very fine headroom without giving a top-heavy appearance. Her length is 40 feet by 11 feet breadth and 3 feet draught. Her engine room is particularly interesting, as it contains the only motor of its make ever built. It is a four cylinder, 5-inch by 5-inch, four-cycle type Muntz turning at 500 RPM , and rated at 1 HP under the A.P.B.A rules. She is quite a substantial craft--in fact, is a boat to be proud of. Crew: Alfred Traver, Geo. Buckhout, Javey Acker, Andrew Witt.
Poughkeepsie-Brightwaters Race 1915
Commodore Frank's Clara was the winner of the 108 nautical mile race held recently from the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club to Brightwaters Long Island. Clara was navigated by Capt. M. C. Collyer, and old Hudson River steamboat captain, and as this boat was not handled by an amateur skipper, she had considerable advantage over the other boats in the race. Had the race been held strictly in accordance with the American Power Boat Association rules, she would have been disqualified. Vondy owned by H. Von der Linden, was the second boat to finish and also took second prize on correct time as Clara was not ruled out of the race. Aloha, owned by George Saltford of the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club, was third on both elapsed an corrected times. Alfred T, owned by Commodore Traver; Sea Bird, owned by T.F. Day, and Acko, owned by CF Ackerson, finished in the order named.